Friday, October 14, 2011

I care for newborns.

When tell people what I do for work I get one of three reactions: 1. People actually pay you to care for their child while they sleep? 2. Man, I wish I would have known you when I had my kids. and 3. How do you do it - staying up all night, traveling around?
1. Yes. 2. Yeah, me too. and 3. It's the perfect fit for me! I love the late nights, the traveling to see new places and meet new people and caring for the babies. I believe my job is one of the most rewarding jobs one can have. Where else can you love your job and you know it loves you back just as much?!

Bringing home a baby can be scary and completely overwhelming, especially if they have more then one baby. Having someone there that has "been there, done that" is a comfort to new moms and dads. I'm a listening ear for their concerns, answer any questions they have and guide them in the right direction to where they want to be. Each family I have worked with has had an impact on my life, as I know I have impacted theirs. What do I get in return? Yes, the obvious is a paycheck. However, most in the childcare field will tell you that comes in a distant second to the fact that you know you have helped a family in the most important time of their life. My reward is seeing that baby, who was tiny, fragile, and barely weighing 4lbs, turn a year old - now a strong, healthy and happy toddler. Knowing I had a hand in building a strong foundation in those first few months that I was with them. That's a reward that can't be measured by my bank account.

This is why I have decided to attend the Alexandria School in Solon, Ohio. The course that I will be taking is the Newborn Care Specialist. This will help me continue to do what I love - caring for newborns!

The Alexandria school was founded in 2007 by Carolyn Stulberg. Her passion and dedication to education is second to none! For those wanting to enter the Nanny field, continue their careers with advanced placement services and those wanting to move into a specialized career as a Newborn Care Specialist this is the place to be! If you are thinking about a career as an in-home caregiver check out the Alexandria School. You will not be disappointed!

For more information about the Alexandria School click the link below.



Thursday, March 31, 2011


After seeing a post on Facebook, I decided to check out what Postcrossing was all about. It's a community of people from all over the world who exchange postcards. I thought this was a great idea. I was never very good at keeping up with a pen pal. So this was a great way for me to connect with people from all over without the pressure to keep up with sending letters regularly. I decided to join and have received many cards already.

This would also be a great learning experience to share with your children and/or charges. You could set up an account together, using your email and mailing address, then share the cards you get. I have sent several to homeschooling mothers and high school/college students doing a project for school. They add this information to their profile so people know to send child appropriate cards. Once you receive a card, you can place it in the mailbox so the children can get the mail and find the card! I have received cards from 12 different countries so far.

Below are the postcards I have received.